The ecology of zoonotic parasites in the Carnivora
Despite nearly half of the Carnivora being zoonotic hosts, and their ubiquity across all major biomes globally, there remain surprising gaps in basic biological ecological knowledge this group that preclude deeper assessments diversity risk.Functional traits related to dietary suggest hosts reflect an omnivorous life history strategy with potentially profound implications for infection tolerance.The will experience widespread changes global range distributions unpredictable significant impacts on biotic interactions, cascading effects disease risk from carnivore as well prey species.Filling research functional ecology improve our understanding roles sentinels, regulators, sinks, or sources parasites. The order includes over 300 species vary many orders magnitude size inhabit biomes, tropical rainforests polar seas. high parasites represents a source potential emerging diseases humans. Zoonotic may be driven part by exceptionally host behavioral, physiological, traits. We review macroecological patterns within carnivores, explore serve synthesize theoretical empirical future work carnivores multipliers, sentinels timely frontiers. In ecology, 'functional diversity' refers ways organisms contribute overall functioning communities ecosystems [1.Petchey O.L. Gaston K.J. Functional diversity: back basics looking forward.Ecol. Lett. 2006; 9: 741-758Crossref PubMed Scopus (1478) Google Scholar]. With 302 extant speciesi, is not most species-rich among mammals (that distinction belongs Rodentia, rodents, Chiroptera, bats), but it functionally diverse [2.Macdonald D.W. velvet claw: natural carnivores. BBC, 1993Google This manifested exceptional Scholar,3.Kim S. et al.Comparison carnivore, omnivore, herbivore mammalian genomes new leopard assembly.Genome Biol. 2016; 17: 211Crossref (56) Scholar], which influences aspects biology, history, including suitability pathogens. Curiously, collectively carry larger number known pathogens than any other mammal (hereafter, parasites; see Glossary) [4.Han B.A. al.Global mammals.Trends Parasitol. 32: 565-577Abstract Full Text PDF (190) despite having fewer rodents (2590 species) bats (1430 species). posit outcome observed Carnivora, adaptations support have exposed parasite disproportionate diversity. Here we recent literature reanalyze relevant published data occurrence identify better current risks order. Carnivorans (members hereafter carnivores) 182 causing 46 unique zoonoses Scholar] (see Table S1 supplemental information online). majority these are four types (56 bacteria, 25 viruses, 66 helminths, 28 protozoa; 1).Table 1The found 15 familiesFamilyaThere 56 protozoa families (photos example each family). exclude Prionodontidae, family zoonoses. Less common (e.g., prions) represented. Data image attributions reported S2. detailed here can S1.Common names countsZoonotic parasitesAiluridaeRed pandasSpecies: 2 Hosts: 18Bacteria: 0Helminths: 4Protozoa: 4Viruses: 0CanidaeDogs, foxesSpecies: 39Hosts: 1591Bacteria: 28Helminths: 37Protozoa: 15Viruses: 10EupleridaeFossasSpecies: 7Hosts: 11Bacteria: 0Protozoa: 1Viruses: 0FelidaeCatsSpecies: 46Hosts: 1647Bacteria: 15Helminths: 18Protozoa: 8Viruses: 4HerpestidaeMongooses, meerkatsSpecies: 35Hosts: 712Bacteria: 5Helminths: 2Protozoa: 2Viruses: 3HyaenidaeHyenasSpecies: 4Hosts: 27Bacteria: 5Protozoa: 1MephitidaeSkunksSpecies: 11Hosts: 312Bacteria: 1Protozoa: 4MustelidaeWeasels, badgers, ottersSpecies: 64Hosts: 2152Bacteria: 16Protozoa: 11Viruses: 5NandiniidaeAfrican palm civetSpecies: 1Hosts: 0OdobenidaeWalrusesSpecies: 13Bacteria: 1Helminths: 0Viruses: 0OtariidaeEared sealsSpecies: 15Hosts: 715Bacteria: 6Helminths: 0PhocidaeEarless 18Hosts: 819Bacteria: 4Helminths: 3Protozoa: 3Viruses: 7ProcyonidaeRaccoons, coatis, kinkajousSpecies: 13Hosts: 640Bacteria: 19Helminths: 5Viruses: 10UrsidaeBearsSpecies: 8Hosts: 532Bacteria: 13Helminths: 6Protozoa: 6ViverridaeGenets, civets, binturongsSpecies: 36Hosts: 717Bacteria: 6Viruses: 3a There S1. 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عنوان ژورنال: Trends in Parasitology
سال: 2021
ISSN: ['1471-5007', '1471-4922']